Winfield Resident Letters Overwhelmingly Support the Village’s Proposed TIF #2, Demanding SD 34 End its Lawsuit Now

Over the last several months, residents of Winfield have expressed their strong views about School District 34’s ill-advised legal action against the Village concerning the funding of Town Center redevelopment. In a remarkable display of voluntary citizen action, Winfield residents have written dozens of letters to SD 34 and the Village calling for the school board to end its frivolous lawsuit and stop wasting precious public resources.

As of early June, letters are running more than 3-1 in favor of the Village’s plan to accept Central DuPage Hospital’s offer to place their new parking deck on the tax rolls and use a tax increment financing district (TIF) to receive those new dollars for Town Center development. Only 23 percent of the letters support SD 34’s lawsuit.

What’s striking is these numbers are not the results of a poll but are the outcome of local citizens taking the time to write thoughtful letters about a relatively complicated subject. “This is an organic response from Winfield residents who are outraged by the school board’s insistence on litigation over responsible negotiation,” said Trustee Deb Piscola. “If the views of letter writers so strongly favor the Village’s position, imagine what the quiet majority of residents are thinking.”

“Winfield residents are nobody’s fool,” said Village President Carl Sorgatz. Quoting from the actual letters, “They clearly view the actions of the school board as ‘counter-productive’, ‘lacking merit’, ‘short-sighted’, ‘destructive’ and ‘irresponsible.’”

Interestingly, the letters are not just a critique of the school board’s reckless actions. Residents believe that a vibrant downtown is essential to Winfield’s future, and they are confident the TIF approach is the way to make it happen. The letters also reference other nearby communities that have also used TIF financing to successfully accomplish their economic and municipal development goals.

Further, Winfield residents identify their concerns about the deficient work environment for public safety, and the inadequacies and unsafe conditions of the police station and Village Hall. Residents hold that all taxing bodies should support public safety infrastructure.

No less significant is many of the letters tell both the Village and school board to get back to the bargaining table. Winfield residents plainly want to see the issue resolved with respectful negotiation—not through expensive litigation.

On June 14, an Illinois judge rejected one of the key arguments in SD 34’s lawsuit, finding that the Village could legally re-TIF properties. This judgement resolves a substantial portion of the case, but addressing the lawsuit’s remaining issues could still drag out for years. Given last week’s striking development, it’s clearly time for SD 34 to work with their fellow taxing bodies to find a resolution outside the courtroom.

We encourage you to join your fellow residents in making your voice heard. Residents can attend and make public statements at the next SD 34 Board meeting on June 23 at 7:00 pm, and you can send your own letter to the Village and SD 34 Boards:

Contact the Village:
Contact SD 34: OR via a Google form at