West-Win Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes

August 17, 2022 – 6:30pm

Zoom Meeting Hosted by Kuntze

Board Members:


Present: Kelly, Kuntze

Present via Zoom: Bakas, Cummings, Van Dine, Watt (6:45), Weyer

Absent: Hydo

Quorum present: Yes

Others present:




  • Meeting called to order at 6:49pm by Van Dine
  • Established minute taker: Kuntze
  • Established action item taker: Kuntze
  • Motion to approve 7/20/22 board meeting minutes. Motion to approve by Van Dine.  Seconded by Kelly.  All in favor.  Opposed – none


Secretary’s Report – Addition of 2nd names to print on cover sheets completed.  Cover sheet test run indicated no problems.  Eblast distribution indicated no problems.


Treasurer’s Report – WW account balance = $14648.61.  Insurance of $759 may increase.


Old Business:


  • Van Dine to inform newspaper monitor Prochaska, before October DH renewal, that WW will no longer pay for his subscription.


  • No new information re: Blackwell FP garage expansion. Van Dine waiting for response to his letter to the FP.


  • Kelly advises Hydo in progress on bylaws revisions.


  • October general meeting discussion.
    • Majority voted for option of in person 10/18/22 meeting at Winfield Township Highway Dept office
    • Van Dine to verify with Dusza site availability
    • Van Dine to request sheriff’s dept guest speaker
    • Bakas to present real estate market updates
    • Weyer to develop slate, ballot & meeting agenda (also required for newsletter)


  • Van Dine motions to revise bylaws to allow WW past presidents and vice presidents to have board voting rights for a period of 2 years with no requirement to reside in the WW area. No second.  Motion fails.


  • October newsletter


  • Kuntze to develop & publish newsletter schedule after meeting date confirmed by Van Dine
  • Each board member to submit an article no later than September 1st


Motion to adjourn by Van Dine.  Seconded by Watt.  All in favor.  Opposed none.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.