Hello Members,

Approximately 20 residents attended the 7/11/24 Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting where the County’s Paul Hoss explained the proposed amendments.  As noted in the meeting’s published minutes, 11 residents spoke, all strongly opposed.  Additionally, we believe approximately 16 public comments were submitted virtually prior to the meeting, again all opposed.

As part of West-Win’s (WW) mission to keep membership aware of issues that may be of concern to our homeowners, we distributed copies of the proposed petition and solicited comments.  Membership responded strongly opposed to the changes.

Note – Reference WW’s email dated 7/18/24 with Subject URGENT: Update on Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes

At the 8/1/24 ZBA meeting they recommended to approve the proposed amendments with modifications.  To view the revised petition go to https://dupage.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx, select Agenda Packet for the Development Committee’s 8/20/24 meeting.  The petition begins on page 70.

  • The petition will now go before the Development Committee at their 8/20/24 meeting scheduled for 10:30am in Room 3500-B in the Jack T. Knuepfer Administration Building, 421 County Farm Rd, Wheaton.
  • The public is invited to attend and comment.  Those wishing to submit virtual public comments, please use the Public Comment Form. For Meeting Date: select 8/20/24.  For Meeting: select Development Committee.  Then fill in your contact information and comments.
  • Note – Virtual comments must be submitted before 3pm on Monday, October 19th.

If unable to attend the meeting, WW requests that you please take a few minutes to submit your comments virtually.  It is vital that our residents’ opinions are heard on matters that will affect us all.

WW does not have email addresses for all its members so please feel free to share this information with your friends and neighbors.  If they’d like to be added to WW’s email list, please have them contact us at info@west-win.org

Make sure that your spam filter recognizes WW’s email address so you don’t miss out on important information for our neighborhood.

Thank you for your time and support.  We will do our best to convey your opinions and comments to our elected officials.

West-Win Board