Hello everyone and happy almost spring!
We appreciate the members who attended West-Win’s (WW) General Meeting last October and those who responded to the December email about traffic studies on Winfield Road. In response to questions and concerns, WW formed an ad-hoc committee consisting of WW members Sean Chou and Laura Ludwig, as well as WW Board members Anthony Gosling, Rose Kuntze, and Ralph (Skip) Watt, to work with the DuPage County Department of Transportation (DuDot) on potential improvements to safety along Winfield Road.
At the committee’s first meeting on January 9th, we shared the results of our survey with County Board and Transportation Committee Member Jim Zay, District 6 representative. He mentioned that the review and studies were just beginning and assured us that he would relay the residents’ concerns to DuDot.
At our second meeting on February 19th, Jim was joined by Stephen Travia, Director of DuDot, William Eidson, DuDot Engineer, and Stephen Zulkowski, DuDot Traffic Engineer. During this meeting, we discussed various issues, including the reasons behind increased traffic on Winfield, Purnell, Mack, and Garys Mill Roads, the lack of law enforcement in these areas, overlapping jurisdictions among government agencies, speed limits, potential traffic “calming” measures, congestion and safety concerns at the intersections of Purnell, Mack, and Winfield Roads, right-of-way limits, ongoing crash studies, and speed data. DuDot acknowledged the challenges and expressed a willingness to collaborate with us toward finding solutions.
Join us on April 29th at WW’s Spring General Meeting to learn more about the progress in finding solutions. Jim and/or a representative from DuDOT agreed to consider attending the meeting to address questions from residents. Be sure to check your email for additional details about WW’s April 29th General Meeting coming soon.
WW does not have email addresses for all its members, so please share this update with your neighbors and encourage them to email us at info@west-win.org with their contact information. This will ensure they are added to our mailing list and receive future updates and communications. Thank you for your continued support.
West-Win Board of Directors