~ Newsletter Index ~

9999-99 Find West-Win on Facebook

FIND WEST-WIN ON FACEBOOK Look us up on Facebook: West-Win Homeowners’ Association. To get posts in your Facebook page click the “Like” button found in the lower right corner of our cover photo. You can then add the option to be notified each time we post information,...

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2019-04 Remembering Bill Brauer, Past West-Win Board Member

2019-04 WW Newsletter-final Bill, as we fondly knew him, served in many capacities within and outside our association for more than 40 years. He was always congenial, even when challenges occurred which might cause an average person to grumble. If you drive east on...

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2019-04 Your Yard, a Local Treasure

2019-04 WW Newsletter-final Come learn about the natural history of this region and how your yard fits into the landscape. Join us Wednesday, April 24th, and you'll walk away with tips for selecting and caring for the trees and shrubs in your yard, as well as steps...

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2019-04 Spring has sprung and so should we

2019-04 WW Newsletter-final Spring is here, time to dust off the bicycle or walking shoes and get out for a ride or walk. Below is a map of all local trails. Surely you can find one close to you.  There are several new trails this year including the trail near the...

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2019-04 Battling Burrowing Bugs

2019-04 WW Newsletter-final Two very different, but both undesirable, insect varieties often take up residence in or near our lawns: ants and yellow jackets.  Ant hills make unsightly areas in a lawn, but yellow jackets pose a much more serious threat.  They are very...

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2018-04 Maximizing Residential Property Value

2018-04-Website-Newsletter MAXIMIZING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY VALUE Owning a home is a great way to provide wealth to you and your family. It's important to understand how to maintain and increase its value over time, so when you are ready to move on to your next...

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2018-04 New Waze of Getting Places

2018-04-Website-Newsletter NEW WAZE OF GETTING PLACES A free app that may be of interest to our members is WAZE. It’s a GPS based navigation app that helps you get the best routes with input from a community of real-time drivers working together, sharing traffic &...

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2018-04 Nearby Bike Trails

2018-04-Website-Newsletter NEARBY BIKE TRAILS Spring is here! Time to dust of the outdoor equipment and get moving. One of the best ways to experience the outdoors in western Winfield is on a bicycle! With miles of well cared for forest preserves, state and local...

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2018-04 Your Electromagnetic Radiation Detector

2018-04-Website-Newsletter YOUR ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION DETECTOR In all likelihood you own an electronic device that can detect lightning discharges in approaching thunder storms as far away as the Mississippi River. While still out of range of audible thunder, you...

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2017-10 Be Sweet To The Feet

2007-10-Website-Newsletter BE SWEET TO THE FEET Choose the right pair of shoes, those feet are the only two you’ve got. Choosing the right pair of shoes is an important task. Spend money on anything that separates you from the ground they say, mattress, tires and of...

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2017-10 Age Well West-Win

2007-10-Website-Newsletter AGE WELL WEST-WIN Valuable Resources for People who are over 55 And for People who Know People over 55 • How many candles were on your last birthday cake? Has your family started putting only one candle for each decade as they fear that the...

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2017-10 West-Win Does

2007-10-Website-Newsletter WEST-WIN DOES For over 50 years the West-Win Homeowners’ Association has been an organization of resident volunteers who work to look after the interests of our community and help protect the ambience for the 700+ households in our...

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2017-10 Flight Tracking Apps

2007-10-Website-Newsletter FLIGHT TRACKING APPS Have you ever sat in your back yard watching planes fly overhead and wonder where they are going? Wonder no more! With the help of two great applications (commonly referred to as apps), the answers are now in the palm of...

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2017-04 The Buzz On Bees

2017-04 Website Newsletter The Buzz On Bees Not only fruits, but many of the other foods on our tables depend on the pollination work of honey bees.  But, important as these busy little workers are to our diet, and busy as our local beekeepers are to keep colonies of...

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2017-04 Bug In The Car

2017-04 Website Newsletter BUG IN THE CAR? We have all had the annoyance of a fly, mosquito, or even a bee flying around our head while driving.  So what can you do about it?  The first thing is to make sure all the windows in the car are closed.  Then open the front...

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2017-04 Lost In Plain Sight On The Floor

2017-04 Website Newsletter LOST IN PLAIN SIGHT ON THE FLOOR? Can't find a small pill you've dropped?  Where's the missing piece to the jigsaw puzzle?  It can be very frustrating to know that some tiny thing you have dropped on the floor is there in plain sight, even...

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2017-04 Home Security Tips

2017-04 Website Newsletter Home Security Tips Bushes and Vegetation Thick shrubs can lend curb appeal. Unfortunately, lush hedges can provide cover for a burglar. Keep vegetation trimmed low, and consider installing thorny plants close to the house to thwart thieves....

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2016-10 Putting Our Best Feet Forward

2016-10 Website Newsletter Putting Our Best Feet Forward Our feet carry us to our jobs, to the table for meals, running to catch the train or after a toddler, and countless other movements. Dr. Nick Parrilli, DPM, specializes in keeping feet in the best possible...

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2016-10 Your Nemesis The Snowblower

2016-10 Website Newsletter YOUR NEMESIS THE SNOW BLOWER With cold weather coming on, it won't be long before you have occasion to swing into action with your snow blowers. Once winter really sets in, we tend to get weather cold enough to make lighter, dryer snow....

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2016-10 What You Need When Your Well Goes Out

2016-10 Website Newsletter WHAT YOU NEED WHEN YOUR WELL GOES OUT Living in an unincorporated area, the majority of our homes are on septic & well. That’s great for avoiding city water bills, and the pump down in the well commonly lasts 20 years or so, but sooner or...

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2016-10 The Secret To Efficient Packing

2016-10 Website Newsletter THE SECRET TO EFFICIENT PACKING The classic packing problem: Given a suitcase, chest, or packing box, and a whole bunch of things that need to fit in there, how do I efficiently put them in so as to get the most things in that limited...

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2016-10 The Conservation Foundation

2016-10 Website Newsletter THE CONSERVATION FOUNDATION Simply put, The Conservation Foundation saves land and saves rivers, and has been at it for more than 40 years. Founded in 1972, The Conservation Foundation (CF) is one of the region's oldest and largest...

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2016-10 In Memoriam

2016-10 Website Newsletter IN MEMORIUM We are sad to report the passing of Thomas S. Hornbach, a highly valued member of the West-Win Homeowners’ Association board for many years. A technical whiz, Tom was responsible for developing the West-Win web site and the data...

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