Daily Herald

Letter to the Editor



“Ambitious overhaul” headline, page one, DH August 10th is important news.  Plans are moving forward to build new much-needed facilities for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (FPDDC) grounds and natural resources departments on the north and south sides of Mack Road.

At the same time, it is hard to believe that the City of Warrenville has approved CONDEMNING PRIVATE PROPERTY to build a multi-use trail on the north side of Mack Road just west of these District improvements while Blackwell Forest Preserve is right across the street!!!

I, along with hundreds of others, ask that the multi-use trail be placed on the south side of Mack Road in the extensive forest preserve. Both the Forest Preserve District and Warrenville have the perfect opportunity for intergovernmental cooperation, less waste of taxpayer dollars, and the appropriate use of land the FPDDC forcibly acquired from a multigenerational farming family for the purpose of ‘public good’.   Neither one of these agencies should be supporting condemnation of private land when public land is readily and clearly available!


Pam Spevak

29W630 Mack Road