by webmaster | Aug 9, 2018 | Newsletters
2018-04-Website-Newsletter YOUR ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION DETECTOR In all likelihood you own an electronic device that can detect lightning discharges in approaching thunder storms as far away as the Mississippi River. While still out of range of audible thunder, you...
by webmaster | Aug 9, 2018 | Newsletters
2007-10-Website-Newsletter BE SWEET TO THE FEET Choose the right pair of shoes, those feet are the only two you’ve got. Choosing the right pair of shoes is an important task. Spend money on anything that separates you from the ground they say, mattress, tires and of...
by webmaster | Aug 9, 2018 | Newsletters
2007-10-Website-Newsletter AGE WELL WEST-WIN Valuable Resources for People who are over 55 And for People who Know People over 55 • How many candles were on your last birthday cake? Has your family started putting only one candle for each decade as they fear that the...
by webmaster | Aug 9, 2018 | Newsletters
2007-10-Website-Newsletter WEST-WIN DOES For over 50 years the West-Win Homeowners’ Association has been an organization of resident volunteers who work to look after the interests of our community and help protect the ambience for the 700+ households in our...
by webmaster | Aug 9, 2018 | Newsletters
2007-10-Website-Newsletter FLIGHT TRACKING APPS Have you ever sat in your back yard watching planes fly overhead and wonder where they are going? Wonder no more! With the help of two great applications (commonly referred to as apps), the answers are now in the palm of...
by webmaster | Aug 1, 2018 | Newsletters
2017-04 Website Newsletter The Buzz On Bees Not only fruits, but many of the other foods on our tables depend on the pollination work of honey bees. But, important as these busy little workers are to our diet, and busy as our local beekeepers are to keep colonies of...