2024-04 Spotted Lanternfly: A New Invasive Insect

With permission, excerpted from 09/27/23 article by Ken Johnson, Horticulture Director, University of IL Extension Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is a newer invasive pest in the United States that has recently been discovered in Illinois. They will feed on a...

2024-04 The Secret Life of Gift Cards

Here’s what happens to the billions that go unspent each year! What happens to the money when a gift card goes unused? It depends on the state where the retailer is incorporated. Gift cards make great stocking stuffers — just as long as you don’t stuff them in a...

2024-04 From the Office of Sheriff Mendrick

➢ Frozen Meals for Older Adults Via a partnership with the DuPage County Senior Citizens Council, residents 60 or older can sign up to pick-up frozen meals at the county complex or sign up for the Meals on Wheels Program. Residents can sign up by calling 630-407-2318...