
Winfield Township offers brush pick-up as a service to residents in the unincorporated areas.  The next pick up will start Monday, May 6th.

WHEN: Brush is picked up four (4) times a year beginning the first Monday of April, May, September and October. It takes approximately one week per month to complete each pick up.

WHAT: Brush is defined as trimmings from bushes or shrubs, as well as tree branches from trimming and/or pruning.  Not considered to be brush are logs, root balls (not dirt), stumps, grass clippings, flowers, weeds, plants, leaves, lumber or anything in plastic bags or other containers.

GUIDELINES: Brush must not be placed on the parkway any earlier than the Saturday before the scheduled Monday pick-up.

All brush must be cut in lengths up to six (6) feet and no larger than six (6) inches in diameter. ALL BRUSH PLACED ON THE PARKWAY FOR PICK UP MUST BE SECURELY BUNDLED WITH BALING TWINE (which can be purchased at your local hardware store) NOT WIRE, and each bundle shall not exceed 50 pounds in weight.

Cut ends facing out! Not in the roadway! For future pickup, brush must look similar to the tied up bundles in this picture.

Please do not “hide” thorny tree branches (such as Olive or Washington Hawthorne trees) inside piles. Place these next to larger piles and the crews will take them. They need special care since they can cause serious injury.

Please call the Township office at 630 231-8850 if there are questions regarding brush pick up.

Source: Winfield Township Road District Homeowner’s Handbook 2013