Pulte Homes is proposing an 84 home development on 34.97 acres along Purnell Road, with all access and egress on Purnell Road. The property is currently part of Planter’s Palette.

West-Win opposes this proposal because of the increased amount of traffic on Purnell Road that is expected to result. Traffic on Purnell is currently very congested at certain times of day, and that would increase with additional homes.

A DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 6:00 pm in room 3500-B of the county office building at 421 N. County Farm Rd. The purpose of the meeting is to hear comments regarding the planned development of a portion of the Planter’s Palette property along Purnell Rd. by Pulte Homes as Trillium Farm. West-Win urges its members to attend this meeting and make their thoughts known either by speaking or by supporting those who do speak.