West-Win Homeowners’ Association

Board Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2022 – 6:30pm

Zoom Meeting Hosted by Kuntze

Board Members:


Present: Kelly, Kuntze

Present via Zoom: Bakas, Cummings, Hydo, Van Dine, Watt, Weyer

Absent: None

Quorum present: Yes

Others present: None




  • Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Van Dine
  • Established minute taker: Kuntze
  • Established action taker: Kuntze
  • Motion to approve 8/26/21 board meeting minutes. All in favor.  Opposed-none.
  • Motion to approve 11/3/21 special board meeting minutes. All in favor.  Opposed-none.


Secretary’s Report – Kuntze

  • Member DB updates current.
  • October Newsletter member comments to be used for April newsletter article.
    • Action item – Van Dine to write.


Treasurer’s Report – Kelly

  • Payment DB updates current.
  • WW=$13860.53, petty cash=$100, Land committee=$1039.53, Total=$15,300.06
  • Land committee account will remain unchanged.


Old Business:


  • Newsletter discussion re: assignment of responsibilities
    • Coordinator – Kuntze
    • Layout – Deb Barclay
    • Advertisements – Kelly to verify paid advertisers before forwarding to Van Dine who will format pdf ads which will be sent to Barclay for layout.
    • Editor – Bakas to review & edit Barclay final newsletter version before sending to board for final approval.
    • Board – Final proofing & sign-off.
    • Possible newsletter mailing target date April 18th (Monday after Easter).
  • Action item – Barclay/Kuntze initial phone meeting scheduled for 1/28/22.
  • Action item – Bakas/Barclay/Kuntze to create newsletter timeline for distribution to the board.


  • Discussion if monthly WW email articles could/should replace newsletters. Decided newsletters remain the best way to communicate with members.
  • Discussion re: if rosters, as currently printed by webmaster prior to general meetings, continue to be needed. Remains an open item since no in-person WW meetings are scheduled or anticipated at this time.


  • DuPage County Sheriff Liaison formerly Ed Castillo; now Terri Albright.
  • Action item – Cummings to re-establish reliable sheriff’s department contact in order for WW to obtain timely information.


  • Review/confirm 2022 bank signors, PO Box key holders & newspaper monitor(s).
  • Bank signors are Kelly & Van Dine.
    • Action item – Hydo to be added as signor.
  • PO Box key holders are Kelly & Weyer.
  • Newspaper monitor is Kuntze with Van Dine as vacation back-up. WW may decide not to renew current monitor’s (member # 372 – Jerry Prochaska) newspaper subscription in September.


New Business:


  • Motion by Van Dine to retain board members past their currently shown terms until WW general meetings/elections resume with the understanding that board member(s) may request for their role to be changed at any time. Wigder will be removed since he no longer resides within WW area.  All in favor. Opposed-none.


  • Current board members/terms:

President: Gib Van Dine 2022

Vice President: Vicki Weyer 2023

Secretary: Rose Kuntze 2023

Treasurer: Eileen Kelly 2022

Director: Mary Bakas 2022

Director: Judy Cummings 2022

Director: Kathy Hydo 2023

Director: Skip Watt 2023

Past president: Herb Wigder (to be removed)


  • Do we have the pertinent information, passwords, payment dues information for the WW website (TRK Hosting) account from Bob Whitney? Account mailing address must be changed from Whitney’s to WW name & address.
  • Action item – Weyer & Van Dine to email Whitney for information. If no email response they will call.  Whitney cell # 847-207-4634


  • Next board meeting via Zoom 6:30 pm Monday, February 21st.


Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.