West-Win Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2022 – 6:30pm

Zoom Meeting Hosted by Kuntze

Board Members:


Present: Kelly, Kuntze

Present via Zoom: Bakas, Cummings, Hydo, Van Dine, Watt, Weyer

Absent: None

Quorum present: Yes

Others present: Wigder




  • Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Van Dine
  • Established minute taker: Kuntze
  • Established action item taker: Kuntze
  • Motion to approve 1/24/22 board meeting minutes. Motion to approve by Van Dine.  Seconded by Kelly.  All in favor.  Opposed – none


Secretary’s Report – DB updates current & ready for Ian to create newsletter cover sheets.


Treasurer’s Report – WW = $14115.53; Land = $1039.53; petty cash = $100; Total = $15555.06


New Business:


  • Confirm Hydo/Kelly/Van Dine as WW bank signors & remove Wigder. Motion to approve by Hydo.  Seconded by Van Dine.  All in favor.  Opposed – none.
  • Action item – Hydo & Kelly to present resolution paperwork & finalize with Republic Bank.


  • April newsletter discussion. Newsletter will be 8 pages.
  • Mailing envelope verbiage change to “West-Win Newsletter” so reuse is possible. Motion to approve by Kuntze.  Seconded by Watt.  All in favor.  Opposed – none.
  • Return envelopes will not be included in spring mailing.
  • TY to Barb, Bob & Herb to be included.
  • Watt’s phone number confirmed.
  • Cover sheet verbiage changes. Membership year = “Never” changed to “N/A”.  Membership N/A phrase changed to “Your payment is not current for membership year 2022”.  Motion to approve by Van Dine.  Seconded by Weyer.  All in favor.  Opposed – none.
  • Addition of 2nd name on cover sheets may not be ready for April newsletter based on Ian’s availability to complete coding changes.
  • Action item due 3/14 – Vicki’s “since last newsletter” article.
  • Action item due 3/14 – Castillo article.
  • Action item due 3/7 – Mary’s approved articles list available for layout.
  • Action item due 3/14 – Gib’s resident concerns article to be reviewed & modified by Deb, Mary & Rose based upon which other articles are approved & might already cover some issues. Motion to delete mosquito abatement paragraph by Weyer. Seconded by Bakas.  All in favor.  Opposed – Van Dine. Suggestion to consider this for a future eblast. Car-jacking paragraph may be part of Castillo’s article.  If Trillium update included then facts across articles must be consistent.  Burning yard waste issue should include warning about burning poison ivy.  Updates from the board article may be needed but abbreviated; editors Deb, Mary & Rose to make final decisions (Caseys, Trillium Farm, Blackwell Expansion, Bike Path). Trillium Farm comment suggestion from Hydo “As construction continues on Trillium Farm West-Win continues to monitor resident’s concerns from local governments as they develop and will provide updates as they occur.”


  • DuPage County Sheriff Liaison formerly Ed Castillo; now Terri Albright.
  • Action item – Cummings to re-establish reliable sheriff’s department contact so WW can obtain timely information.


  • Newspaper monitor discussion.
  • Tabled until July or August board meeting. Current monitors are Jerry (paid $420), Rose & Gib as backup (not reimbursed).
  • What is the billing address on account?
  • What is the annual cost?
  • Suggestion – Offer Jerry free annual WW membership instead of paying for DH.
  • Question – Who authorized to pay for Jerry’s subscription? Are there other paid WW volunteers? If yes, who, for what & cost?
  • Question – Why should Jerry be paid for volunteering and Ian not receive a complimentary ad on our website for his volunteering?


Eblast discussion tabled until next meeting.

  • Establish eblast protocol.
  • Who responsible (Ian s/h one WW contact (Vicki, Rose?) for content & authorization)?
  • Eblast must be “ready to go” when submitted to WW contact.


Next board meeting to be scheduled for July/August.


Motion to adjourn by Van Dine.  Seconded by Weyer.  All in favor.  Opposed none.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30.