West-Win Homeowners’ Association

Board Meeting Minutes

August 26, 2021, 7pm

Winfield Township Road District Office

West Chicago, IL


Board Members:

Present: Hydo, Kelly, Van Dine, Watt, Weyer, Wigder

Present via Zoom: Cummings, Kuntze, Whitney

Absent: Bakas

Quorum present? Yes

Others present? None



  • Meeting called to order at 7pm by Van Dine
  • Established minute taker: Kuntze
  • Established action taker: Kuntze
    • 7/22//21 Board Meeting minutes reviewed and approved with no changes. Motion to approve by Kelly. Seconded by Van Dine. All in favor. Opposed – none. (Zoom 00:00:53)


Treasurer’s Report provided by Kelly

  • Current account balances of $11975.67 plus $100 petty cash. Kuntze advises 14 welcome letters sent 8/11/21 with 2 new member responses but only 1 check included with member information. (Zoom 00:01:29)


  • Old Business


  • 1) ACTION: Van Dine reconfirms which WW Board members were finalized at 7/22/21 Board Meeting.
    • Assigned to: NA
      • President: Gib Van Dine 2022
      • Vice President: Vicki Weyer 2023
      • Secretary: Rose Kuntze 2023
      • Treasurer: Eileen Kelly 2022
      • Director: Mary Bakas 2022
      • Director: Judy Cummings 2022
      • Director: Kathy Hydo 2023
      • Director: Skip Watt 2023
      • Director: Barbara Whitney * See New Business #2
      • Past president: Herb Wigder
    • New: Weyer motions to approve the proposed list of officers and directors as stated above in the 8/26/21 agenda with Ian being added at a later time if he so wishes. Seconded by Wigder.  All in favor.  Opposed – none.  See New Business #1.  (Zoom 00:04:00 & 00:33:39)
    • Status: 8/26/21 – closed.


  • 2) ACTION: No change/update to WW’s IRS not-for-profit status.  WW does have an IRS number. Per Kelly, WW’s designation is covered under IRS’s Chapter 32-105/103.5. No IRS filing has been done since 1969.  WW IRS paperwork verbiage describes us as “Promotion of a rural lifestyle & environment in the West-Win area”.  New: Determined to leave “as is”. Hydo & Kelly to discuss further. Decided to table issue until 2022 Board Meeting. (Zoom 00:05:36)

Assigned to:  Hydo, Kelly

  • Status: 8/26/21 – open.


3) ACTION: Van Dine question.

  • Q – Is there an assistant treasurer?

A – No – Van Dine recommends each key Board member & the Webmaster should have an assistant. To be discussed under New Business. See New Business #5. (Zoom 00:06:25)

  • Assigned to: Board
  • Status: 8/26/21 – closed.


  • 4) ACTION: Whitney advised an email from Deb Barclay re: illegal turns (morning & evening) at the Purnell & Garys Mill Rds had been received through the info@west-win.org  That turn signage is part of DuPage County’s agreement to approve Trillium Farm and should be required to be enforced.  It is documented as a condition for approval.  It was recommended that WW follow up with our County Sheriff’s Dept liaison (Sgt Castillo, Cpl Albright?) to explain the high rate of violations and request more vigilance – hopefully resulting in more tickets and better driving behavior.  A ticket camera s/b recommended.

New: Van Dine’s conversation with sheriff’s department indicates police will ticket offenders if they are observed making illegal turns.  Officers will patrol area as usual but they will not be assigned to that corner on a regular basis to wait for & ticket offenders.  No additional action required at this time. (Zoom 00:07:40)

  • Assigned to: Board, Van Dine/Sheriff, Whitney/Barclay
  • 7/25/21 Update Cummings – Cpl Terri Albright (630-407-2588) is WW liaison & reports to Sgt Ed Castillo. Forwarded email from Castillo to Board.
  • 7/25/21 Update Kuntze – Forwarded Barclay email & WW (Whitney) reply to Board.
  • Status: 8/26/21 – closed.


  • 5) ACTION: Kelly advises she has sent insurance questions from Wigder & Kuntze to Gallagher insurance representative.  Kelly to email a copy of the questions to the Board and advise when a response is received.

New: Kelly’s email – JoAnn: Hope you are well and looking forward to fall and cooler weather! Received your e-mail regarding the renewal of our liability insurance policy and realized I am quite tardy asking the questions regarding coverage issues that have been raised by our Directors, here goes! 1)  Verification of who is covered. a) All current West-Win Officers? b) All current West-Win Board of Directors? c) Most current Past President? 2)  Does our policy protect West-Win Officers & Directors from litigation from only individuals that are actual members of the geographic West-Win area or from anyone? (John Q. Public) 3)  Is an attorney assigned to us by the insurance company in the event of a lawsuit? 4)  If not, would West-Win be required/able to hire their own attorney?5)  Would the insurance company cover legal costs from an outside firm? There is a meeting of the Board on Thursday.  I will let them know that I have submitted their questions.  I will also inform them that it is time to renew our policy ($709 due in November). (Zoom 0:08:40)

New: Kelly needs updated contact list from Cummings for insurance purposes. See New Business #1. (Zoom 0:19:52)

Assigned to:  Cummings, Kelly

  • 8/27/21 – Update Kuntze – questions email Kelly sent to Gallagher forwarded to Board.
  • 10/17/21 – Update Kelly – answers from Gallagher rep Jo-Ann Ledger

From: Jo-Ann Ledger <Jo-Ann_Ledger@ajg.com>

To: Eileen Kelly <crownpoint@comcast.net>

Date: 10/12/2021 11:46 AM

Subject: RE: Questions regarding West-Win insurance policy


1)  Verification of who is covered.

  1. a) All current West-Win Officers? –
  2. b) All current West-Win Board of Directors?
  3. c) Most current Past President?


  • Answer to question 1, from the Directors & Officers Liability recap:


Broad Definition of Insured: Includes the Nonprofit Entity and any director, officer, trustee, committee member, employee or volunteer. Employee definition includes part-time, seasonal, temporary, and leased employees


Here’s more from the Nonprofit Organization Liability Coverage Part, Insuring Agreements, Section H, page 3 of 10:


“Executive” means any natural person while a duly elected or appointed: 1. director, executive director, officer, trustee, regent, governor or member of the board of managers, board of governors, advisory board or duly constituted committee of an Insured Organization; 2. in-house general counsel of an Insured Organization as well as any other natural person employed by an Insured Organization as an in-house attorney; 3. manager of an Insured Organization organized outside the United States of America if such position is equivalent to those specified in 1 or 2 above.



2)  Does our policy protect West-Win Officers & Directors from litigation from only individuals that are actual members of the geographic West-Win area or from anyone? (John Q. Public)


  • Answer to question 2: It would be based upon the type of claim and whether the insurance company determines that it’s a covered loss. There are exclusions in the policy. The following section may help to clarify a little without giving an all-encompassing answer:


From Defense of Claims, Liability Coverage, Section A, page 5 of 11:


The Insurer shall have the right and duty to defend each Claim covered under a Liability Coverage Part for which the Insurer receives notice, even if such Claim is groundless, false or fraudulent. The Insurer may make any investigation it deems appropriate.


My take (and I am not a claims adjuster or attorney – please always refer to the insurance company for final answer in case of loss) is that the policy is intended to provide coverage for a covered loss presented by any party. The insurance company will make the determination as to whether the claim is covered and paid or not. The policy is not going to extend beyond its coverage intent, so just because any party/John Q. Public presents a claim does not meant that it will be covered – it would have to fall within the scope of the policy.


3)  Is an attorney assigned to us by the insurance company in the event of a lawsuit?


  • Answer to question 3: Very likely, but it would be determined by the insurance company at time of loss.


4)  If not, would West-Win be required/able to hire their own attorney?


  • Answer to question 4: See above, please. Answer to 4 depends on outcome of 3. Generally, the insurance company is going to want to use their own attorney, so that’s the short answer.


5)  Would the insurance company cover legal costs from an outside firm?


  • Answer to question 5: Possibly. The insurance company would need to agree to such costs first.


From the Defense of Claims, Liability Coverage, Section C, page 5 of 11:


The Insureds shall neither admit nor assume any liability, enter into any settlement

agreement, stipulate to any judgment, or incur any Defense Costs without the prior written

consent of the Insurer, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. The Insurer shall not

be liable for any admission, assumption, settlement, stipulation, or Defense Costs to which

it has not consented.



Jo-Ann Ledger, CISR  (She/Her/Hers)

Client Service Manager

Naperville, IL (formerly Wheaton)






direct: 630.949.2227 | fax: 630.668.4383



Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc.


1000 E. Warrenville Road, Suite 230, Naperville, IL 60563.


Certificate request? Send to Select_Certificates@ajg.com. Turnaround time is 24 Hours from receipt of request. If your request is truly urgent, please indicate as “Rush” to receive within 1 hour. Please indicate your business name in the subject line for every request. Thanks!


Please note the following regarding Certificates or requests to review insurance requirements:


I would like to emphasize that the discussion set forth above is only an insurance/risk management perspective and is NOT legal advice. We do not provide legal advice and I highly recommend that you seek the advice of legal counsel in order to become fully apprised of the legal implications related to these issues.


As a Gallagher client our service to you goes beyond an insurance policy, take advantage of our Gallagher Perks program that provides you exclusive savings on products and services used in your business and personal life!


Communications concerning this matter, including this email and any attachments, may have been provided for purposes of insurance/risk management consulting.  Opinions and advice provided by Gallagher are not intended to be, and should not be construed as, legal advice.


A licensed Gallagher representative must provide the appropriate insurance carrier with written instructions in order to bind insurance coverage.  Therefore, client instructions via email are not sufficient to bind coverage unless and until you have received explicit written confirmation from an authorized Gallagher representative.

  • Status: 10/17/21 – closed.


6) ACTION: October 2021 General Meeting (GM) discussion.  Due to the uncertain nature of which Covid restrictions may be in place at the time of the proposed October GM it is suggested that GMs be postponed until such time it is safe to hold in-person meetings.   Zoom GM was raised as an alternative option but several Board members not in favor.  WW members to be advised via October 2021 Newsletter.  Motion to approve postponement by Van Dine. Seconded by Hydo. All in favor. Opposed – none. (Zoom 00:13:25 & 00:33:09)

  • Assigned to: Board
  • Status: 8/26/21 – closed.


  • New Business


  • 1) ACTION: Discussion of who currently is & who s/b covered by WW insurance.  Wigder noted the by-laws include coverage for current Board members and past president.  Motion by Wigder to add all (?) immediate past officers, Webmaster & Assistant Webmaster (Ian) to be included on the Board only for insurance coverage with no meeting attendance requirements or voting rights except for Wigder.  Volunteers would not be covered under WW insurance.  Motion seconded by Van Dine.  All in favor.  Opposed – none.  Board noted that the bylaws require review & revisions in several areas.  Whitney to check with Webmaster & Ian if OK with them to be added to Board.  Cummings to add Wigder, Webmaster and Assistant Webmaster info to contact list.  Q – Do the bylaws require an addendum listing names?  Q – How should bylaws be changed to define who is covered?
    • New: Question to Cummings – if current assistant Webmaster Ian wants to 1) be on the Board which would provide him coverage under WW insurance and 2) assume Webmaster responsibilities. Ian to make a decision within the next week. Cummings to advise Board of his decision.  If Ian chooses to be added to the Board an email Board vote will be used to confirm. (Zoom 00:20:00)
    • New: Kelly needs updated contact list from Cummings for insurance purposes. (Zoom 00:19:39)
    • Assigned to: Cummings, Van Dine, Whitney
  • 8/10/21 Update Whitney – Webmaster sees no need for the coverage, but does not object to being covered, and Assistant echoes the sentiment.
  • 9/10/21 Update Cummings – Email:

I have good news!  Ian Letts has considered the responsibility for the position

of Webmaster and is willing to take it on.


Re a role on the Board, he is not ready to take that on at this point in time.

But that does not preclude him participating in a relevant discussion during a board meeting.


Ian has already had some excellent orientation and training from Bob Whitney.  We are fortunate that Bob has offered his ongoing availability, even after leaving our area.

  • Status: 8/26/21 – open.


  • 2) ACTION: Van Dine advises he has many notes re: WW bylaws’ revisions and will distribute to Board for review of his changes as noted.
  • New: Whitney was to assist with revisions but is moving & resigning from the Board. Watts to work with Van Dine on revisions. (Zoom 01:13:40)
    • Assigned to: Van Dine, Watts
  • Status: 8/26/21 – open.


3) ACTION:  Whitney to send Newsletter schedule needed prior to General Meeting scheduling.  Q – Should Newsletter advertisers be extended at N/C for next issue?  A-Yes.  Kelly to verify advertisers’ information still correct.  Q – Should Newsletter ads also be added to WW Website?  A – Yes.  Use ad pdf files to update WW Website on “Useful Information” page.  Weyer to add ballot article.  Landman/Bonnie Van Dine to compose wildlife article.  Newsletter discussion started.  Newsletter will be full size?  Include candidate slate information in next WW Newsletter.  Weyer/Kelly provided Newsletter costs.  Bullet points s/b included as what’s to be covered at General Meeting.  Q – What else s/b included?

  • New: Discussion on how to advise homeowners re: elected board/directors & postponement of GM. 1) Newsletter to feature article explaining WW remains active with new Board and that GMs & elections to resume when Covid restrictions permit to do so.  The same article should also be posted on the WW Website.  2) Newsletter will continue to list names/phone numbers of Board members.  Website will not list phone numbers and contact will be through the info@west-win.org 3) Q – Should we make more use of e-blasts?  A – Yes, but on an “as needed” basis and not necessarily to reflect every WW Facebook and Website News articles.  Warrants further discussion at future Board Meetings. (00:40:209
  • New: Discussion re: 1) Bucky’s – no change, 2) Trillium – no change, 3) Bike path – no change, 4) Blackwell – no change, 5) Illegal turns – no change, closed, 6) Roosevelt Rd widening – no change, 7) Willow Creek – no change, closed, 8) Monte Nido – closed. (Zoom 00:46:25)
  • New: Kelly asks if Newsletter is to include dues request. (Zoom 00:40:00)
    • Assigned to: Kelly, Weyer, Whitney
  • 7/23/21 Update Whitney – Emailed Newsletter Schedule.pdf to WW Board.
  • 9/24/21 Update Barclay – Emailed Newsletter 2021-10 WW Newsletter-final.pdf to Whitney & Kuntze.
    • Status: 9/24/21 – closed.


4)ACTION: Q – Should WW change banks? A – Hydo to investigate further with her banking contacts. Board recommends issue be tabled to 2022 Board Meeting. (Zoom 00:50:19)

  • Assigned to: Hydo
  • 9/3/2021 Update Hydo – email:

At the last Board Meeting, I said I’d make some phone calls about getting us a new bank account.  I have contacts with several banks, but I think Wintrust would work best for us.


Wintrust has a department in their Barrington office that is dedicated to , among other things, working with HOAs.  We can get a no-fee checking account which requires no minimum balance.  And Eileen can deposit as many checks as she wants without being penalized.  We can also get an online login, if so desired.


There’s a branch in Wheaton on County Farm Road, just north of Kohl’s (and on the other side of the street).  I’ve been making my clients’ deposits there since the beginning of COVID.


The application can be done online.  We would have to upload some files for them (DLs of signatories, West-Win Documentation), but we will not have to go into the bank for any of this.


Eileen – I think you and I should talk about this in more detail.  Perhaps some time next week?


  • 11/3/21 Update – Special Board Meeting: VanDine motions WW to not change banks and to add Hydo as signer. Seconded by Weyer.  All in favor.  Opposed – none.
  • Status: 11/3/21 – closed


  • 5)ACTION: Van Dine discussion re: transition plans on preparing for the departure of the Whitneys & finding people who can carry on their jobs. Results of conversation with Whitneys follow. Kuntze to include in minutes.


  1. Barb will still be here to handle the next newsletter.
  2. Bob can and will remain as webmaster, even after moving, until a replacement can be found.
  3. Bob will remain as a consultant after moving, by phone or via Zoom.
  4. Bob currently uses the report generating app “Crystal Reports”.  This app is what extracts data from the data base to create membership cover sheets and rosters.  Whoever takes over would only need to learn some basics to use this,or could use any other Report Generator app that they are familiar with.
  5. We will be back to newsletter stuffing parties unless we have the printer do it. (Zoom 00:58:59)
  • Assigned to: Van Dine
  • Status: 8/26/21 – closed.


6)ACTION: Newsletter discussion.  Q – Is Deb Barclay still working on the Newsletter? A – Whitney advises Deb will work on this one.  Newsletter to be at least 8 pages. No need for ballot article & ballot.  Eileen needs to contact advertisers and advise Whitney. Weyer to do updates article to include Bucky’s,Trillium, Bike Path, Blackwell, Roosevelt Rd, Willow Creek & refer readers to Website links for more information.  Kuntze & Whitney to write new Board explanation article.  Need full page wildlife article from Bonnie VD & Landman.  Whitney to do renewals article.  Need “help wanted editors” article re: Newsletter & Website; decided to table article to 2022.  All articles are due to Whitney by Sept 13.  (Zoom 01:03:06)

  • Assigned to: Kelly, Kuntze, Van Dine, Weyer, Whitney
  • 9/5/21 Update Kuntze – Kuntze version of article sent to Board.

We’ve missed you!  West-Win’s past 2020 & 2021 semi-annual General Meetings had been cancelled due to Covid and the resulting mitigations of the pandemic.  We had great hopes that the upcoming October 2021 election meeting could occur but again Covid has interfered and overruled the ability to gather.


Even though West-Win’s General Meetings have been on hold, the Board continues to monitor news about the unincorporated areas of Warrenville, West Chicago, Wheaton, & Winfield.  That information is available to West-Win homeowners via the west-win.org website, our Facebook page and issue specific emails.  Additionally, the October 2021 West-Win Newsletter mailing marks the return of an important way we keep you updated.  Your questions, concerns and comments are always welcome by emailing us directly at info@west-win.org.  Please don’t hesitate to stay in touch!


Typically, the October Meeting is when we thank retiring Board members for their past service & attending homeowners nominate & vote on candidates to replace those that are leaving.  Because of the special Covid circumstances, and our inability to safely hold in-person meetings, the Board was required to take unusual measures this year to nominate and elect West-Win’s new Board of Directors.  Their names are included in this Newsletter.  Regular elections will resume again when in-person General Meetings are allowed.


We extend our sincere thanks for your continued support and membership.  Remember, we isolate now so when we gather again no one is missing.

  • 9/12/21 Update Weyer – Email:

Here is info on each so you can pull information for the “Updates in our area article” along with the links which come in handy on our website.


  • Bucky’s will be now be a Casey’s Gas Station with a pizza kitchen. Pavement and concrete are expected to be poured before Thanksgiving 2021. For more info see our Website & Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/West-Win-Homeowners-Association-603624066435240
  • Trillium Farm-7 more homesites were released recently.
    Illegal turns at Purnell & Gary’s Mill Rd’s are a continued problem at this development. Our West-Win board has brought this up with the Sheriff’s Department. For continued updates see our Website & Facebook page. To see Pulte’s Trillium Farm link & interactive map: https://www.pulte.com/homes/illinois/chicago/winfield/trillium-farm-210596?EML_PG=42245
  • Mack Road Bike Path-Preliminary Engineering is ongoing. Construction bid letting is anticipated to be November 2022.  Construction will begin in early 2023. Link for more information: https://www.warrenville.il.us/629/Mack-Road-Bridge-and-Bike-Lane-Prelim-En
  • Blackwell Garage Expansion-We are watching & seeking updated information about this project. Please visit our website and our Facebook page for future 2021-2022 updates as they become available.
  • More than 22 million dollars are planned for Roosevelt Road projects in our area. We will be updating our website and our Facebook page with where these projects are and how they are being funded.
  • 9/13/21 Update VanDine – email with attachment Wildlife Friendly Article
    • 9/24/21 Update Barclay – Emailed Newsletter 2021-10 WW Newsletter-final.pdf to Whitney & Kuntze
    • Status: 9/24/21 – closed.


  • 7)ACTION: Whitney advises she has been in discussions with John Belson @ Quick Impressions (Addison) printer re: Newsletter stuffing & mailing for approx. $275. They will mail up to 2 oz items, sent first class under bulk mailing, for .45 per piece. Van Dine agrees WW should use Quick Impressions because costs would be less than prior mailings. (Zoom 01:14:15).
  • Assigned to: Whitney
  • 9/7/21 Update Whitney – email:

The printing company that did the post cards we sent to the membership was Quik Impressions (www.quikimpessions.com), and the person I was in contact with was John Belton.

Historical background for your benefit: Since long before people had computers and the internet, the WW Newsletter had been printed by Redline Press, of which John and Olney were owners. In lieu of a newsletter, the board decided in late 2020 to send a post card to remind the members we still existed, and point them to some current information on the website. When I contacted John, as I always did to let him know when we’d be needing his services, I learned that Redline had become part of the larger company with which he’d done business for a long time. I was happy to continue dealing with John, and he facilitated dealing with the rest of the company.


  • 9/23/21 Update Whitney – email:


The West-Win Newsletter will be ready for printing by the first of next week, but that doesn’t allow time for you to get the materials you’ll need. How long needs to be allowed for that?

This newsletter will be 6 pages long. There will be a separate file of cover sheets with the addressee information, which will be assembled with the newsletters. There will also be a file of text to print on the envelope (6″x9″ window envelope).

Our numbers of mailing items have been decreasing so I expect around 660 – 670. At Redline you had some extra copies from setting up the printer. If those will be available, I would appreciate them.

We would like Quik Impressions finish the job by stuffing, sealing, stamping and mailing the newsletters. Stuffing will also include inserting a return envelope to encourage dues payment. I have a supply of more than 5 boxes of 500 of these envelopes (printed by Redline) which I’d like to supply.

I’ll call you tomorrow between 9 and 10 to see how all this will work.
Status: 9/23/21 – closed.


  • 8)ACTION: Tabled items until 2022:
  • 7/22/21 – Current check signers Kelly & Van Dine. Are more needed?
  • 8/26/21 – Updates to WW’s IRS status? Assigned to Hydo, Kelly
  • 8/26/21 – Should WW change banks? Assigned to Hydo
  • 8/26/21 – How to recruit Webmaster & Newsletter editors?
  • 8/26/21 – Should key Board members and Webmaster have assistants? Van Dine question.
  • 8/26/21 – How to best utilize e-blasts & who to decide which are valid to be sent?


Meeting adjourned at 9:00.