At the October 22, 2019 West-Win General Meeting a representative of Pulte Homes presented a brief description of the company’s plan to build a high density development of single-family homes along Purnell Road on part of the Planter’s Palette property. The plan would require variances from the R2 zoning which applies to the land.

A group of West-Win members looked into the zoning petition, Z19-062, requesting the variances for the development, and took the matter to the West-Win Board. The Board voted to oppose the development proposal and to support the Land Development Committee in its efforts to prevent the petition from being approved.

The West-Win Land Development Committee members spoke at the ZBA meetings, the County Board Development Committee meeting and the County Board meeting, citing current traffic congestion and excessive speed, the danger of the impaired sight lines on Purnell Road, and the unsuitability of such dense development in the area. Other area residents also spoke of similar objections. Committee members also contacted individual County Board members by email, phone and in person. Board members reported they had received significant volumes of email regarding the proposed development.

Petition Z19-062 was first heard by the DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) on November 14, 2019. The hearing was continued to December 19, and then further continued to January 30, 2020. At the hearings evidence was presented in support of, and in opposition to, the petition. Those in favor of the petition asserted that there is market demand for the type of housing planned for the development by people seeking to move from large homes to smaller ones requiring less upkeep. Those opposed asserted that Purnell Road is already over used and dangerous, and this development would increase the traffic volume. Furthermore, the proposed dense housing is inconsistent with nearby properties and would detract from the value of those properties.

On February 6, 2020, the ZBA held a Recommendation Meeting, at which the board members discussed the evidence that had been presented at the three hearings and their thoughts as to whether the petition should be approved or not approved. The vote of the ZBA was 6 to not approve and 1 to approve Petition Z19-062. The matter was then referred to the Development Committee of the DuPage County Board.

On February 18, the Development Committee considered Petition Z19-062. The committee amended the petition to require the development to be designated Age 55+ and to require traffic calming measures recommended in a traffic study by KLOA and voted 5 to 1 to approve it as amended.

On February 25, the full County Board considered Petition Z19-062. Usually the period for Public Comment is limited to 30 minutes, but on this occasion the rule was relaxed to allow those who wanted to speak to do so. Following that, and discussion by the board members, the County Board voted 10 to 6 to approve Petition Z19-062.

The bulk of the traffic on Purnell Road is from vehicles using it as a quick route between Route 59 and Winfield Road. To discourage this cut through traffic and improve safety on Purnell Road, changes will be implemented.

  • No turns from Garys Mill Road onto Purnell Road on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.
  • No left turns from Purnell Road onto Garys Mill Road on weekdays between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.
  • A sign reading “Be Prepared to Stop When Flashing” for eastbound Purnell Road between Verdun Drive and Lorraine Drive, warning of backed up traffic ahead, where a hill obstructs the view.
  • Restriping Purnell Road to make the center and edges easier to recognize. The edge striping will be a little closer to the center, to somewhat slow down traffic.

These changes are not expected to be implemented at the same time.