April 20, 2022

ATT: Westwin Homeowner Association/ Residents

Winfield Township Road District will be closing Purnell Road the week of April 25th thru April 29th.  The Township will be replacing a large culvert 250′ to 300′ northwest of Blakewood Ct. This is a joint project through DuPage County Storm Water Management, Jim Zay and Winfield Township Road District.

  • All traffic Northwest of the construction site should exit either Gary’s Mill Road or Cantigny
  • Traffic from Blakewood Ct will be able to exit to Winfield

The Fire department, Sheriffs Department, Post Office and Schools will be notified.

Please allow extra time for travel. We are sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the Road District Office at 630-231-8850, road@winfieldtownship.com

John Dusza, Highway Commissioner