The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County advises people to remain vigilant of ticks when in natural outdoor settings and take precautions to avoid tick bites.

• Walk in the center of trails to avoid brushing up against low-lying vegetation.

• If off trail, tuck shirt into pants, roll pant legs into socks or boots and apply DEET repellent to ankles.

• Wear light-colored clothing in order to detect crawling ticks.

• Check your body for ticks as soon as possible after you have been outdoors. Check again the following morning.

• Treat outdoor pets with tick and flea medications.

• If you find an attached tick, grasp it close to the skin with forceps or sharp tweezers.

• Slowly pull it straight out of the bite by the mouthparts. Do not squeeze the tick body, and do not twist or turn the tool.

• Use antiseptic on the bite site after the tick is removed, and wash your hands.

• Save the tick for identification, and observe the bite site closely over the next few days. See your doctor immediately if you get symptoms such as the “bull’s-eye” rash, flu-like symptoms, or other musculoskeletal/nervous system deficiencies.

Source: Forest Preserve District of DuPage County