What:  Forest Preserve open house to present and discuss the District’s preliminary plans and proposed renovations of the Grounds and Natural Resource Management Campus at Blackwell Forest Preserve.  More importantly your opportunity to ask questions of, and provide feedback to, the Forest Preserve regarding this expansion while it is still in the planning stages.

When:  Saturday, September 30th from 10:00am to 11:30am

Where:  District’s Fleet Management Building.  The entrance is located on the north side of Mack Road directly across from where Williams Road dead ends into Mack Road.  Follow that entrance road, through the open gate, to the parking lot adjacent to the Fleet Building at the end of the road.  See map below.

General information:  Below is a link from the District’s previous phase of the Grounds & Natural Resources Campus that reviewed its existing facilities and when they determined that Blackwell is the ideal location to continue to house their Grounds & Natural Resources operations. Projects Districtwide Grounds (dupageforest.org)

Note:  The District advises additional, more current, information will be made available prior to the open house.  We will provide that to you as soon as it is received.

Request:  West-Win does not have email addresses for all its members.  If you are viewing this message, or have received an email regarding the open house,  we ask you to please share it with your neighbors.  The open house information is also available on our FB page.  Members currently not on our mailing list may request to be added by emailing us their information at info@West-Win.org.