On Saturday September 30th the DuPage County Forest Preserve hosted an open house to present and discuss the District’s preliminary plans and proposed renovations of the Grounds and Natural Resource Management Campus at Blackwell Forest Preserve.  The event provided residents the opportunity to ask questions of, and provide feedback to, the Forest Preserve regarding this expansion while it is still in the planning stages.  Comment sheets were also made available for attendees to complete.  For those who were unable to attend  the open house the Forest Preserve has provided a narrated video of the presentation.  Below is the link to that video.  It is about 13 minutes long.


If you wish to comment, or have a question or suggestion, regarding the District’s proposed renovations you may do so using the link below.  It is set up similarly to the comment form that was used at the open house, but through survey monkey.


Additionally, both the presentation and the survey have been included on the Forest Preserve’s project website.

Projects Grounds and Natural Resources Management and Maintenance Campus (dupageforest.org)