In December 2011, the President of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (FPD), Dewey Pierotti, Jr., sent Mayor Brummel a letter requesting City staff be authorized to work with Forest Preserve District staff to discuss the preparation of a potential intergovernmental agreement (IGA) that would outline how the City and FPD could coordinate on the design, funding, and implementation of various potential public improvement projects of joint interest to the City and FPD. These projects include the potential extension of City water service to the FPD’s Mack Road Maintenance Complex (including the proposed new Fleet Maintenance Facility), the construction of DuPage River flood conveyance and flood protection levee improvements in the River Road corridor, and the potential construction of various trail improvements on FPD property in the City of Warrenville.

On Monday, January, 9, 2012, the Community Development Committee of the Whole recommended the City Council authorize staff to work with FPD staff on a draft IGA that would address these issues. On Monday, January 16, 2012, the City Council accepted the Community Development Committee recommendation and authorized staff to work with Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (FPDDC) staff to develop a draft intergovernmental agreement to outline how the City and FPDDC would coordinate on: (i) the extension of City water to the Mack Road Maintenance Complex; (ii) the implementation of the DuPage County’s proposed River Road flood conveyance and protection improvements; and, (iii) various potential trail improvements on FPDDC property located within the City limits.

The tentative schedule for City of Warrenville consideration of a detailed IGA with the FPD is as follows:

February 2012: City and FPD staff research technical issues and develop a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to define what issues will be covered by the proposed IGA and what obligations/ commitments each entity would agree too in the proposed IGA. A City/FPD approved MOU would form the “foundation” for a more detailed and formal IGA between the two entities.

March 12, 2012: City staff present draft MOU for City Council Consideration at the Community Development and Planning Committee of the Whole Meeting (7:00 pm City Council Meeting Room). Community Development/Planning Committee of the Whole decides whether or not to recommend City Council Approval of the draft MOA.

March 19, 2012
: City Council (7:00 pm City Council Meeting Room) decides whether or not to approve draft MOA.

March/April 2012
: City and FPD staff/attorneys develop detailed IGA to address all issues covered in the MOA approved by both entities.

May 14, 2012
: City staff present draft IGA for City Council Consideration at the Community Development and Planning Committee of the Whole Meeting (7:00 pm City Council Meeting Room). Community Development/Planning Committee of the Whole decides whether or not to recommend City Council Approval of the draft IGAMOA.

May 21, 2012
: City Council (7:00 pm City Council Meeting Room) considers whether or not to pass an ordinance approving the IGA City and FPD staff have developed.

Questions regarding the scope or status of this issue should be directed to Community Development Director Ronald Mentzer at (630) 393-9050.