Recent burglary on Alsace Ct., Winfield. Suspects claimed to be with a tree service. While the homeowner was outside with the “tree service” another person entered the home and removed property unknown to the homeowner at the time. This is still being investigated. As more info becomes available from Sheriff’s Dept. we will update and edit this post.

The DuPage County Sheriff’s Office is taking a proactive approach in alerting its citizens to certain crime trends that have occurred throughout the County in recent years.

Ruse Burglary – Suspects, posing as legitimate workers, approach homeowners at their residence with the intent of gaining entry under a seemingly legitimate role: local gas company, water department, cable company, tree trimmers, pavers, County inspectors, or government officials. One suspect will distract the homeowner while a second suspect will enter the home and search inside for valuables and cash.

Another type of ruse used to gain entry into the home is for a suspect to knock on the door and ask for a pen and piece of paper to leave the victim’s neighbor a note. The suspect may appear to have difficulty writing the note and will ask to come inside the house. Once inside the victim’s house, the suspect will ask the victim to help write the note. As the suspect keeps the victim occupied, others enter the residence to remove money and valuables.

A variety of vehicles have been associated with these subjects including pick-up trucks, vans, and sport utility vehicles.

Be particularly alert to people looking to perform home or driveway repairs or asking to gain entry into your home. Be sure to ask to see identification and let them know you are going to call and get authorization from their company before allowing them access. If they are legitimate, they won’t mind the wait.

Finally, if you see someone entering your yard or your neighbor’s yard, call 911. Legitimate workers are used to inquiries by law enforcement as to why they are there. We would all prefer that law enforcement identify someone who may be in the area looking for targets of opportunity before a crime is committed then try and find them after the fact.