The 12/5/23 DuPage County Environmental Committee meeting discussed the results of the single waste hauler survey conducted by them earlier this year.  Below are the link to view the presentation followed by the minutes from the meeting and its slides.

Minutes: Single-Hauler Follow-Up Survey Results

Joy Hinz, Environmental and Sustainability Programs Manager, presented the results of

the 2023 Township Waste Hauling Survey. The eight-question survey was sent out in

August to unincorporated households in six townships that are not currently served by a

township waste and recycling contract. Typical voluntary survey response rates are 2%

while this survey received a 10% response rate. Varying by township, Milton had the

highest response rate and Addison had the lowest. A pleasant surprise from the survey

revealed a high interest in lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with providing

hauling services. Saving money received the most support when answering survey

questions but varied by township. Given the information that was gathered, it was

recommended to have each township pursue a referendum. Member Cahill, Member

Garcia, Member Yeena Yoo and Nick Kottmeyer, Director/Public Works and Operations,

discussed further with clarifications and explanations about the referendum.


Presentation slides may be viewed by copying and pasting the following into your browser: