Preserve Master Plans

The District’s 2019 master plan calls for updating site-specific master plans for each forest preserve. To begin the process, District staff are revising master plans for three of the most visited forest preserves — BlackwellGreene Valley and Waterfall Glen.

The updated master plans will provide a roadmap for the preserve’s future development with suggested timeframes for projects to help the District determine future capital budgeting and operational impacts to further the District’s mission.



The first phase of the process started in early 2021 with background information gathering and site visits.

Then in June and July the District  hosted public and stakeholder engagement sessions and performed a market analysis to determine the best use of assets and to identify gaps and overlaps in programs provided by similar service providers to inform the proposed development program. Additionally, surveys were posted for each preserve.

Learn more about the projects and the engagement results.

The second phase — including analysis of stakeholder input, development of plan recommendations, implementation plans and cost estimates — is expected to begin in fall 2021.

Once complete, the master plans will serve as important tools to guide the preserve’s development. Master planning would then begin for additional forest preserves.

Master Plan Update to Board 10-19-21
Master Plan Discovery and Analysis Report 10-19-21

