Press Release

Contact Information: Joan Olson (630) 407-6015 or Evan Shields (630) 407-6022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Chairman Cronin Proposes 12th Balanced Budget

For the 12th consecutive year, DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin presented a balanced budget for the County Board’s consideration at its Sept. 27 meeting. The Fiscal Year 2023 budget proposal does not include a property tax increase for homeowners.

“My goal in government has been to leave DuPage County better than I found it,” said Cronin, who is not seeking re-election this year. “This proposal sets a strong foundation for future stability and economic growth. Our legacy will be one of sound financial footing, benefitting the next generation.”

The total proposed budget for DuPage County is $586 million, with a General Fund of $239.6 million. The General Fund is the County’s chief operating fund, covering most personnel and program operations. The proposed budget includes a $70 million property tax levy, which captures new construction in the county being added to the property tax rolls. The DuPage County property tax rate remains flat, and the average DuPage County homeowner will not see an increase in their property tax bill.

Due to conservative financial planning, DuPage County is projected to finish the 2022 Fiscal Year with a surplus of $40 million. Cronin laid out a plan to utilize those funds to eliminate future budgetary burdens, including:

  • $3 million for major renovations at the DuPage Care Center
  • $2 million for transportation infrastructure, including roadway improvement and enhanced pedestrian and bicycle path
  • $6 million to replace the County’s existing financial system which will soon reach end of life
  • $3.25 million to replace aging vehicles
  • $250,000 for the DuPage Neighborhood Revitalization Program

Cronin’s budget also includes 12 additional headcount for the State’s Attorney’s Office and funding for the Public Defender, Sheriff’s Office, and 18th Judicial Circuit Court to handle added responsibilities after the passage of the SAFE-T criminal justice reform law in 2021. The FY2023 headcount is increasing by a net of 10 positions after reductions in staffing levels by the County Recorder and Circuit Court Clerk.

Members of the public can provide feedback on the proposed budget plan at

The DuPage County Board will now consider the Chairman’s proposed budget and will approve the County budget at its Nov. 22 meeting. The 2023 Fiscal Year begins on Dec. 1.