2019-04 Your Yard, a Local Treasure

2019-04 WW Newsletter-final Come learn about the natural history of this region and how your yard fits into the landscape. Join us Wednesday, April 24th, and you’ll walk away with tips for selecting and caring for the trees and shrubs in your yard, as well as...

2019-04 Spring has sprung and so should we

2019-04 WW Newsletter-final Spring is here, time to dust off the bicycle or walking shoes and get out for a ride or walk. Below is a map of all local trails. Surely you can find one close to you.  There are several new trails this year including the trail near the...

2019-04 Battling Burrowing Bugs

2019-04 WW Newsletter-final Two very different, but both undesirable, insect varieties often take up residence in or near our lawns: ants and yellow jackets.  Ant hills make unsightly areas in a lawn, but yellow jackets pose a much more serious threat.  They are very...

2018-04 Maximizing Residential Property Value

2018-04-Website-Newsletter MAXIMIZING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY VALUE Owning a home is a great way to provide wealth to you and your family. It’s important to understand how to maintain and increase its value over time, so when you are ready to move on to your next...