2023-04 Is Your Gas Stove a Health Risk?

Recent research has raised a new concern about gas stoves: nitrogen dioxide. It has long been known that the stoves can produce deadly carbon monoxide, but a new report suggests that they can also produce levels of nitrogen dioxide that are more than double the EPA’s...

2023-04 Are Wasps Beneficial At All?

Yellow jackets are not bees but are small yellow and black wasps up to an inch long. Bees are vegetarian in all life cycle stages, but wasps eat meat during at least some portion of their life. They are either predators or parasites of other insects, making them...

2023-04 Ruse Burglary Alert from Sheriff Mendrick

Suspects, posing as legitimate workers, approach homeowners at their residence with the intent of gaining entry under a seemingly legitimate role: local gas company, water department, cable company, tree trimmers, pavers, County inspectors, or government officials....