Blackwell Forest Preserve Public Engagement Meeting

A Blackwell Forest Preserve Public Engagement Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 22 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Community input is important in envisioning the future of Blackwell Forest Preserve and we appreciate your support! Here is how to access the virtual...

West Chicago Burglaries

A West-Win member has reported 3 burglaries occurred from barns or out-buildings in their neighborhood overnight on Wednesday, April 21. One occurred on Washington in which tool boxes were taken. Two occurred on River Glen, but no information was given as to what was...

Furnace & Generator Potential Problem

We received an alert from Alternating Currents Corp. for when deep snow is falling, to clear snow from around our back-up power generator. With a deep snow falling, clear the snow away from the generator to allow air flow into the vents. This will avoid any snow and...

2021-01 Why People Buy Oximeters

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, COVID-19 manifests itself as a respiratory disease that can cause lung complications including pneumonia and acute respiratory distress, both of which deplete oxygen levels in the body.  According to Dr. Richard Levitan, who wrote...

2021-01 Trillium Farm Update

Although we weren’t able to prevent Pulte’s Trillium Farm from being built we are grateful to all the residents that made their voices heard via emails, letters and phone calls to the DuPage County Board, the West Chicago City Council and the DuPage County Forest...