
Since the spring of 2009, West-Win has been encouraging the Forest Preserve District (FPD) Board to consider alternative sites for the 26,000 sq. ft. Fleet Maintenance Building planned for construction in the McKee Marsh section of Blackwell Forest Preserve.   The project was previously scheduled to begin construction in 2009.  Plans for construction are currently on hold while the FPD and the City of Warrenville negotiate a contract that would bring City water service down Williams Road to the McKee Marsh area.

Due to failed perc tests at the planned construction site, the FPD cannot put in a septic field.  This means that the FPD must either construct a small, private sewage treatment plant on site, or pay the City of Warrenville to bring sewer service down Williams Road, or find some alternative for handling sewage.  Water is also an issue for the proposed Fleet Building site.  The FPD cannot store enough water in on-site tanks to meet fire protection requirements. This resulted in the FPD’s request to Warrenville for city water down Williams Road to the intersection of Mack and Williams Roads.  The FPD has proposed paying for installation of water lines along Williams Road to coincide with the 2013 planned bridge replacement at Williams and Batavia Roads,. This would make water service available to the proposed FPD Fleet Maintenance Building.

West-Win Board members have met with Warrenville’s City Engineer to discuss our concerns about the Fleet Maintenance Building at the Williams/Mack Road intersection. West-Win’s concerns focus on the potential for increased traffic along Mack Road, use of the FPD’s compressed natural gas station by outside purchasers, and the FPD’s exemption from County zoning regulations, to name a few.  The exemption from County zoning regulations allows the FPD to build without the usual restrictions that would apply to private businesses seeking to build such a facility in a similar area zoned residential.

In addition to the Fleet Maintenance Building, West-Win is concerned about the possibility of forced annexation of residents along Williams Road if the water service is extended to Mack Road.  To date, Warrenville has never forced annexation on residents.

It is our understanding that the Fleet Maintenance Building cannot begin construction without a plan for water and sewer service.  In June, the FPD Board received an initial proposal from the City of Warrenville for provision of the requested water service along Williams Road.

There has been no further discussion of the water service at the FPD Board meetings, nor has it been addressed at Warrenville City Council meetings, since the initial proposal in June.  The subject of sewer service has not been discussed at either the Board or Council meetings.  West-Win continues to monitor both meetings for movement on these issues.