
Our West-Win group has done some amazing things to protect our way of life by tackling important issues such as zoning, signage, speeding, taxes, annexation and development inappropriate for the area.  Most of this work is accomplished behind the scenes by just a few people to benefit all the residents in our unincorporated area.

Twice a year, West-Win hosts meetings that are open to all residents. The meetings provide you with a chance to meet and greet each other, to share information and to listen to an interesting speaker or panel.   These fact- filled two hour meetings  provide information that can help you maintain and protect your home and land, learn more about the area in which we live,  and improve your lifestyle. Our time together is an opportunity for you to address questions to our speaker of the day, your neighbors, our long term board members, elected officials and our Sheriff’s Neighborhood Liaison.

This month I am excited that we will have a speaker on Health Care, a topic of interest to everyone. Over the years, we have covered a very wide variety of subjects from A (annexation and aeration) to Z (zoning and zoology)!  Your West-Win Board of Directors selects topics by reviewing current happenings and issues that would be of interest to those living in our unincorporated area. Our goal is to cover topics that would be helpful to you. I encourage you to attend our upcoming Spring General Meeting to stay abreast of the latest developments and concerns in our community and to show your support for this exceptional organization.

Dennis Clark, President

West-Win Homeowners’ Association