2017-04 Website Newsletter

Home Security Tips

Bushes and Vegetation

Thick shrubs can lend curb appeal. Unfortunately, lush hedges can provide cover for a burglar. Keep vegetation trimmed low, and consider installing thorny plants close to the house to thwart thieves.

Mirror and alarm

A mirror in the entryway lets you assess your look before heading out the door. But check its position from your front windows. Can you see the reflection of your alarm system? If so, would-be intruders can too – and they’ll know at a glance if you neglected to arm it when you dashed out on an errand. An alarm can be a deterrent and also call police if the alarm is set off when you are away.

Keys and Valuables

That bowl or basket where everyone tosses keys, wallets, phones and other valuables may also help possible criminals. Sure, you’ll know where they are – but so will a burglar. The best place for car keys is beside your bed. If you wake up to noises that sound like someone breaking in, hit the alarm on the fob to scare the criminal away. No one likes to get locked out, but a spare key stashed under a rock or above the door frame is bound to be discovered, so exchange yours with a neighbor you trust in case of emergency.


You might keep the deadbolt locked on the front door at all times, but what about the back door off the patio? Or maybe you leave the garage door wide open during the afternoons? Be as conscientious about your less-used entrances as you are with your main one. Also reinforce sliding doors with a sliding lock or even a metal or wood piece along the rails can be effective.

Hiding spots for valuables

Thieves know that homeowners hide valuables in the sock and underwear drawers. Places like under a mattress or in a nightstand are also known hiding spots. Use less used places like an attic, secret compartments or drawers or a heavy safe that can’t be carried.

Friends, Followers, and Fiends

When you’re out of town, you have a neighbor pick up your mail and you stop newspaper delivery so thieves won’t see them piling up. Also block any social media posts to the public that may say you are out of town or not at home. All a burglar has to do is look up your address and then leisurely go to your home, knowing you won’t be back from Italy until Sunday.

Residents of West Win know the area and their neighbors better than our office. Residents are able to detect anything that is out of place at their neighbor’s home as well as autos that they own. Please report these types of things to our office by calling 911. If you are not sure, try to obtain information on what you saw like license plates, car makes and models from a safe location and call your neighbor to see if everything is fine. If something is wrong or a crime was committed we can use that information for our investigation and possibly help with arresting the responsible people.