• Check for leaks and draft; doors and windows can prevent proper heating and increase energy bills.
  • Have your chimney & furnace inspected to ensure they are working correctly.
  • Reverse ceiling fan blades to push the warm air in the room down from the ceiling to keep you
  • Be winter storm-ready; make sure your car’s maintenance is up to date with a full gas tank.
  • Insulate any exposed pipes in your attic and basement to prevent them from
  • Make sure your sump pump works properly and there is nothing clogging the exterior drain.
  • Properly insulate walls and ceilings to prevent condensation, which can lead to mold or mildew.
  • Keep your gutters free of debris; ice and snow can pull down your gutters and cause roof damage.
  • Turn off outside water faucets and pipes, clear the lines of water and insulate them to prevent water leaks in your yard.
  • Take care of low-hanging Trees surrounding your home can cause severe damage to your house and even cause you to lose power. The weight of snow after a storm can cause limbs to snap or bring the entire tree down on your home or power lines.