For your convenience the video link to the Forest Preserve’s meeting in which a few items of interest to area residents re: Blackwell were discussed.

Grounds & Natural Resource Management study to establish Blackwell/McKee Marsh (Mack Rd) as the Forest Preserve’s primary maintenance facility.  This effort would include removing some current buildings & erecting new, larger buildings to house all equipment.  Begin watching at 12:35.

Blackwell Master Plan presentation provides information re: proposed improvements to trails, amenities & facilities.  It also suggested a new road access to Blackwell off of Winfield Rd (across from the entrance to St James Farm) & a second access road to the youth campground off of Mack Rd.  Begin watching at 55:35.

Changes to the Mack Rd off leash dog area and West Branch DuPage River bridge.  Begin watching at 1:00:00.