12/15/22 Zoning Board of Appeals Kerry Farms Meeting Update

ZBA Chairman Kartholl tabled the Kerry Farms rezoning meeting until 1/5/23 and advised it would be a “status only” meeting. Winfield & West Chicago may be contesting the Kerry Farms rezoning request.  Neither town had representation at the meeting.  WC may have a...

2022-10 Call JULIE Before You Dig!

For any outdoor do-it-yourself project, or work done by a professional, state law requires that JULIE (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators) be contacted before any digging begins. Every project. Every time. Avoid knocking out the internet, power, or...

2022-10 All About French Drains

If flooding in your basement or yard is a common problem, then a French drain system may be your solution. French drains are a system of ditches and pipes that are used to divert water away from a specific area, like a home’s foundation.   Are They Worth It? A...