Traffic – Increased cut through traffic, excessive speed & semi or tractor-trailer size trucks, especially on Purnell, Mack, Garys Mill & Winfield Roads are high on the list of WW resident concerns.  As the construction of Trillium Farm & the Casey’s gas station progresses it is expected that traffic issues will only grow.  The No Turn signs located at Purnell & Garys Mill Roads, meant to deter excess traffic during the morning & evening peak times, are virtually ignored by motorists & unenforceable unless police witness an infraction.  We continue to communicate WW’s concerns to the sheriff’s department.


Burning Yard Waste – Here are the rules for unincorporated DuPage County.

What’s not allowed?  The burning of any garbage, debris, refuse, landscape waste in an open fire.

What are the exceptions?  “Recreational fires” are defined as an outdoor open fire for entertainment, leisure or cooking purposes, and which does not require a governmental permit.  Recreational fires must be outdoors, but in all instances shall comply with the following: Fuel for a recreational fire shall be limited to the burning of clean, seasoned, dry firewood.  Firewood shall include dried logs and dried branches without leaves or greenery.  Firewood shall not include grass, brush, roots, or other similar vegetation, construction materials, treated woods, plywood or pressure-treated wood.  Recreational fires shall not use any fuel that produce excessive smoke, cinders or other emissions characteristic of non-seasoned wood.   A recreational fire shall not be used to dispose of any garbage, debris, refuse or waste (including landscape waste).  Recreational fires shall be controlled burns which shall mean a fire that is physically contained by fire pit, grill or other recognized containment method, and which is under constant, direct adult supervision at all times a flame or glowing embers are visibly present.

What are the penalties?  A person shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Please visit the DuPage County website for complete information.

Caution – Never burn poison ivy, oak or sumac!  Burning them carries the oils through the air. Inhaling the smoke can cause rashes to appear all over the body, including inside the mouth, on the lips, and other areas, depending on the extent of one’s exposure to the fumes.  The more extreme reaction, however, is caused by the rashes developing along the lining of the throat and lungs, which start to inflame due to the toxin.  The inflammation affects the airways and makes breathing very difficult. The oils can also travel through the bloodstream.


Casey’s Gas Station – Winfield Village Board trustee Phil Hardy advises, in the Winfield Glimpses Spring 2022 issue, that the Casey’s gas station, convenience store & car wash project did not meet its targeted completion date & has experienced numerous setbacks.  Part of the slowdown is due to modifications to the building’s interior design plan, which are now resolved and, more recently, delays have been caused by problems with the global supply chain.  However, it is anticipated that the Casey’s will be finished in 2022.  Additional update from Winfield President Carl Sorgatz states “The most recent date for the start of construction is mid-to late May.  The total construction time from start to finish should be around 120 days.”


Forest Preserve Destruction of Wildlife Habitat – If you’re a WW resident the natural wooded areas that surround us, and the wildlife habitat they provide, may be what attracted you to this locale.  We continue to communicate with President Hebreard of the DuPage County Forest Preserve regarding resident concerns as we see significant clearing of natural areas resulting in loss of habitat as well as the possible expansion of garage/maintenance buildings at Blackwell (which would add truck traffic on Mack Rd).  The following comes from the Forest Preserve website: Although the Spring Brook Creek area of Blackwell may appear as if habitat is being destroyed, it is actually a long-term project that will improve the habitat by removing invasive nonnative vegetation and planting native species, replacing a straight ditch with a meandered waterway, creating wetlands to convey upstream stormwater, connected the creek to the floodplain allowing nutrient-rich floodwaters to more easily flow into the surrounding forest preserve to revitalize the floodplain’s natural ability to temporarily store and filter stormwater, removed a dam to allow fish to swim freely upstream and added gravels, cobbles and boulders to the creek to improve habitat for macroinvertebrates, fish and freshwater mussels.

If you believe we’re losing too much habitat, or have other concerns about our tax-funded Forest Preserves, WW encourages you to contact Mr. Hebreard at and our District 6 Commissioner Al Murphy at  Mr. Hebreard is very responsive to criticism of the Forest Preserve & has personally responded to both letters & newspaper OpEd opinions.


Blackwell Forest Preserve Garage Expansion – A recent reply regarding this issue from President Hebreard states “We are exploring the project right now.  Actually the goal is to have a better, more efficient grounds and natural resources campus that will be more aesthetically pleasing.  No board action has been taken to design or fund this as of yet.  I anticipate the design will be started soon, however.”


Carjacking/theft – Keep your vehicle locked at all times, even if it’s in your own driveway and do not leave your keys/key fob or valuables in the vehicle.  When approaching your car in a public area, keep your keys concealed in your hand to possibly deter a thief from following you to your vehicle.  When you get to your vehicle and unlock the doors, get in and lock them right away, especially if you feel you may have been followed.  If you are loading anything into your car, put your purse, your children and other valuables in the car before groceries or other purchases but keep your keys with you.  Always lock your doors then start your vehicle before fastening your seat belt, returning a text or doing anything else.  And always be aware of your surroundings.  Should a car-jacker make his move to get your keys while you are outside the vehicle, try to throw the keys as far away as you can and start screaming.  Chances are good that they’ll run away or go for your keys, giving you time to get to safety somewhere nearby (i.e., back into the grocery store).  When you are safely away from the immediate area, call 911 and let them know where the event occurred and your best description of the perpetrator.


Mosquito Abatement –   The WW area in general does not have mosquito abatement although the Wheaton Mosquito Abatement District might include your address.  The DuPage County website may provide the information you need. (Wheaton Mosquito Abatement District). Contact them directly to determine if you are covered within their spraying area.

Do you want to be notified of nighttime adult mosquito applications?  You can sign up for notifications by going to Click ‘Register For Service Notifications’ at the bottom.  Complete the information and create your own password, then click ‘submit’.  Your location will be verified to see if you live along an application route.


What You Can Do – Ensure that you and your family wear insecticide and protective clothing to reduce annoyance and risk of disease from mosquitoes.  Avoid going out at dawn or dusk when mosquitos are at their worst.  Empty standing water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, discarded tires and birdbaths on a regular basis.  If trying to enjoy time on your deck or patio a portable fan will not only cool your skin but will effectively blow those pesky critters away!  Some homeowners contract with private services for the spraying of their property or do it themselves.


Mack Road Bike Path/West DuPage River Trail – The West Branch DuPage River Trail is a 26-mile regional trail, roughly paralleling the DuPage River-West Branch that, when complete, will connect the North Central DuPage Regional Trail on the north to Naperville and into Will County on the south, where it will intersect with the East Branch DuPage River Trail and continue south as the DuPage River Trail to Channahon.  The Forest Preserve District has been working with DuPage County, local municipalities and park districts to implement this trail for decades.  With the completion of the trail segments through downtown Winfield and along Fair Oaks Road from 2016-2018, the only unfinished trail segment is the segment located between Blackwell and West DuPage Woods.  This segment is approximately 0.7 miles in length and includes a bridge crossing the West Branch DuPage River and Roosevelt Road (IL-38).  Construction on this project is expected to begin in early 2023 with completion in 2024.