2015-10 Sheriff’s Neighborhood Liaison Officer

2015-10-Website-Newsletter Corporal David Kotovsky has been the Sheriff’s Neighborhood Liaison Officer for Winfield Township since July of 2010. At West-Win meetings he has described recent Sheriff’s Department activities and alerts for coming months and...

2015-10 Know Your Lightning Types

2015-10-Website-Newsletter As we all know, lightning is a powerful electrical discharge. It occurs between areas that have acquired different electrical potentials (voltages) generated by friction between cloud water particles when shoved past each other by wind....

2015-10 Connecting Up Jumper Cables

2015-10-Website-Newsletter I think that most of us know that the term “Jumper Cables” means the pair of heavy wires with black and red clamps on the ends that are used to connect a car with a good battery to one with a dead battery in order to get the latter car...

2015-04 Social Media

2015-04-Website-Newsletter Tweeting is not only what the birds do in our serene community. Want to find out more about “Social Media” and how they can help you stay connected with family, friends, hobbies or even business? Join us at our April 21st Spring General...