
Seconds count in an emergency, and first responders (fire, sheriff, ambulance) who are better informed can help you faster. There are many situations where information cannot be quickly obtained during an emergency call, such as calling from a mobile phone since your address/location is not available, a panicked or unresponsive caller that cannot provide information, or not having a photo available for a missing child.

Smart911 is a free and confidential service offered by DuPage County to help first responders when you call 911. Completing a profile, where you determine the information you want included, will provide first responders with important information to help you when you call 911. The information can include special needs, medical information, photos of your children and current location. You can even register your pets. The Sheriff’s department has been encouraging residents to subscribe to this free public safety service. More than 26,000 DuPage County households have already signed up. Additional information and access to registration can be found at http://www.dupageco.org/smart911.