
In our last newsletter West-Win members were requested to tell us about their waste haulers. The companies shown below were contacted to provide information as of September 1, 2014. This information is presented to facilitate comparison between companies. When comparing companies, contact them to be sure you have current information.

A few words of caution are appropriate when comparing different companies. The prices shown below represent monthly costs although most companies bill for 3 months at a time. Not all companies service the entire West-Win area. Prices are subject to change, so it’s important to ask when a quoted price might change. Other potential differences between companies include:

• Contract required
• One time set-up fee
• Fluctuating fuel or other charges
• Additional charges for yard waste & large items

• Fee to provide trash totes
• Discounts for seniors and pre-payments
• Manure removal


This information will get the Trash Talk started in our neighborhoods. Look at your neighbors’ trash cans to see who they use. Ask if they might be interested in a lower price if several neighbors use a single hauler. Each neighborhood could possibly contact providers to get a reduced rate for their residents. Let’s keep the information flowing. Reducing the amount of heavy truck traffic on our roads is in everyone’s best interest. Please send any additional information to share about your trash haulers for future newsletters to vickiweyer@icloud.com.