
We are sorry to see Dennis Clark and Stuart Feinberg leave West-Win’s Board of Directors.

During his approximately 6 years on the Board, Stuart has been a great asset during many of our brainstorming sessions, often supplying us with unique suggestions for newsletter articles and meeting topics and speakers. He and his family have moved from the West-Win unincorporated area but they are still in the western suburbs and we hope to continue our friendship with them.

Dennis Clark has been on the West-Win Board for about 15 years and served as a Director and most recently as President of the Board. As a true steward of the land, Dennis has been a tremendous advocate for our semi-rural surroundings. He has made major contributions to our unincorporated community over the years as well as to the larger community where he has been actively involved in programs at the Morton Arboretum and the Prairie Path organization. We feel fortunate to have had such an individual on the West-Win Board and hope to continue our relationship with Dennis and his family as well.