Update to 1/24/23 DuPage County/Kerry Farms Rezoning Petition Meeting

DC-O-0009-23 ORDINANCE — ZONING-22-000059 – Kerry Farms: The County Board denied the approval of the following zoning relief: Rezoning from R-2 Single Family Residential to B-2 General Business. (Winfield/ District 6) (Generally located southwest of Roosevelt Road and Indian Knoll Road) County Board Vote (to approve): 5 Ayes (Chaplin, DeSart, Garcia, Ozog, Rutledge), 13 Nays (Childress, Covert, Cronin, Eckhoff, Evans, Galassi, Gustin, Krajewski, LaPlante, Schwarze, Tornatore, Yoo, Zay), 0 Absent

Link to County Board meeting:


Watch times:

1:16:24 – Rose Kuntze comments

1:57:30 – County Board discussion & vote